Customer Centric Organization


Customer Centricity

The era of the customer

Competitive pressure is increasing due to global competition, lower barriers to entry and changed framework conditions. New digital sales channels and technological progress play a key role. However, many companies are finding it difficult to adapt to and align themselves with the new customer sovereignty.

The customer does not think in product lines...

...but in needs. Understanding and anticipating customer needs in a timely manner is a skill that all successful companies share. But how does one acquire this skill, ideally in a short period of time? Focusing solely on sociodemographic factors is no longer sufficient in today's customer approach. The customer journey and buying persona serve as tools to gain deeper insights into your customers' needs. With targeted Customer Experience tracking, a sustainable improvement in customer interactions can be achieved.

We help you identify relevant customer needs that will strengthen your strategic direction in the long term.

Our solutions


Digital Sales Quick Starter

Digital sales channels are crucial to success - modern technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) can add value. Find out in this workshop where AI can be effective in your digital sales and get the action plan for your AI Quick Start.

Consulting & Implementation

Customer Journey & Buyer Persona

"Customer Journey" and "Buying Persona" are innovation methods that consistently focus on the customer in order to generate product, service and business model innovations beyond the known paths. We help you to sort out the two methods and to effectively implement the resulting measures for your organizational development.

Transformation towards more customer centricity begins with the willingness to really want to get to know the customer.

Christopher Hasperg

Senior Director & experienced CX-strategist

Christopher Hasperg, Senior Director & erfahrener CX-Stratege

The advantages at a glance


Business Use First

We do not believe in simulation games; we believe in fast solutions and pragmatism. With our extensive consulting experience and in cooperation with your experts, we ensure sustainable economic success.

Full speed ahead

It is not the best who win, but those who adapt the fastest. For you, we open our agile toolbox that translates complex scenarios into fast doing.

Empowerment through guidance

Attitude drives behaviour – and we develop both through learning, understanding, and application. By fostering inspiring environments and working methods, we enable teams to anchor their learning within the company for the long term.

Excellent consultants


Recognized by WirtschaftsWoche as part of the Best of Consulting Awards 2023 in the categories of Organization and Digital Transformation.

We strive to give our best for you too – together, we are steering your company towards a successful future.

What can we do for you?